The National Society
Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR
or DAR) is a non-profit, non-political,
volunteer women's service organization. DAR
was founded in 1890 as a National Society
and has provided leadership in the fields of
conservation, citizenship, genealogy, family
history, education and educational
scholarships, historical American studies,
and service to veterans.
In 1905, twelve prominent area women joined
together to form a DAR chapter in Mason
City, Iowa. The charter was applied for and
received April 7, 1905. By 1920, there were
twelve meetings a year and 54 members. In
1925, the chapter membership increased to
92. This provided more hands and minds to
carry out the NSDAR objectives. Back in the
early years of the chapter, the chapter
meetings were historical, educational, and
patriotic. This is still true today. Each
February in the early years, a George
Washington Colonial Tea was observed.
Members dressed in colonial period attire,
making the event an elegant one. In 1925,
the chapter had a naturalization committee
that took part in naturalization classes and
ceremonies at the Mason City Court House. In
the 1930s, a chair for Constitution Hall was
purchased with profits from rummage sales.
During World War II, the chapter collected
and sold old paper and magazines for 25
cents per pound to support defense, and
contributed blood, time, money, and many
other items for the local Red Cross. Some
members were unable to attend meetings
during the war due to gas rationing.
Through the years, American Flags have been
donated to scout troops, museums, schools,
and nature centers. For years, sewing
materials, yarn, and manuals of United
States history were sent to Ellis Island to
help women and children in the detention
Today we continue to promote historic
preservation along with encouraging active
participation in educational and patriotic
endeavors. Recent projects include Hero
Baskets for local law enforcement and first
responders to thank them for their service.
Military veterans are also a focus for the
Mason City Chapter, NSDAR, with our November
thank you project and the holiday sock
collection for veterans in care centers and
the VA Clinic.
The Mason City Chapter, NSDAR, remains an
active chapter, striving to fulfill the
goals of our national and state societies
with pride.