The Nathaniel Fellows
Chapter, NSDAR, organized November 25, 1939,
is proud to be a chapter of the National
Society Daughters of the American Revolution
(NSDAR or DAR) and the Iowa Society
Daughters of the American Revolution.
The National Society Daugthers of the
American Revolution (NSDAR) is a non-profit,
non-political, charitable organization.
Membership in the society is open to any
woman 18 years or older, regardless of race,
religion, or ethnic background, who can
prove lineal descent from a patriot of the
American Revolution.
It is our pleasure to welcome you to our

4th of July
Parade Event

in the "One Million Pillowcase
Pillowcases were donated to a
local Children's Hospital and
Crossnore DAR School.

Our chapter is an official U.S.
partner with the
50th Anniversary Vietnam War
Commemoration Partner
some Get Well wishes with gift
card donations in them for local
VA Hospital patients.

Joint meeting
with Pilgrim Chapter, NSDAR

The Nathaniel Fellows Chapter, National
Society Daughters of the American
Revolution, was named after Nathaniel
Fellows, Sr., who in 1838, became one
of the first settlers in Coralville, Johnson
County, Iowa.
In November 1940, the
Nathaniel Fellows Chapter, NSDAR, dedicated
and presented a permanent marker to State of
Iowa for the gravesite of Nathaniel Fellows,
Sr. The Iowa Highway Commission maintained
the marker until 1971 when the commission
informed the chapter that they could no
longer maintain the marker due to the
relocation of Highway 6. The chapter applied
for, and received permission from, the City
of Coralville to move the marker to Oak Hill
Cemetery, just inside the entrance. The City
of Coralville moved the marker to the
present day site.