Welcome to Stars and Stripes Chapter, National
Society Daughters of the American Revolution
(NSDAR or DAR) in Burlington, Iowa. Chartered
April 28, 1897, Stars and Stripes was the
seventh Iowa chapter. If you have an interest
in history, are hiding a Revolutionary War
patriot in your background, or wish to share
genealogical information, we are looking for
Any woman is eligible for membership who is no
less than eighteen years of age and can prove
lineal, bloodline descent from an ancestor who
aided in achieving American
independence. Women interested in
researching their ancestry for potential
membership, may enjoy attending one of our
meetings. Contact us for meeting information.
Click here.
Stars and Stripes Chapter works to meet the
historical, educational, and patriotic
objectives of the National Society DAR through
our programming and participation in the
community. Please enjoy this video
"Today's DAR," which describes DAR's
impact on the community.
Located along the bluffs overlooking the
Mississippi River, Burlington has a long and
storied history, and we draw on that for
programs like Chief Blackhawk's final resting
place and Zebulon Pike's influence on the
area. In the past, we have rented a limousine
and toured the area to revisit gravesites of
Revolutionary War patriots and historical
locations commemorated with plaques by Stars
and Stripes Chapter. With special permission,
we toured the cemeteries on the IAAAP (Iowa
Army Ammunition Plant) grounds where Patriot
Peter Gearhart is buried. Unfortunately, we
were unable to locate his tombstone. As a
result of these experiences, a member prepared
a DVD highlighting these sites.
Two local Vietnam veterans helped us
commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the
Vietnam War by honoring Vietnam veterans in a
brief memorial ceremony and by telling about
the Des Moines County War Memorial for all
veterans that was dedicated July 4, 2015.
We have commemorated the 125th Anniversary of
Ellis Island-Immigration site and learned
about grave marker restoration and the DAR
supported schools. The DAR Good Citizens
program recognizes students in accredited high
schools who demonstrate dependability,
service, leadership, and patriotism. Each
year, Stars and Stripes Chapter works with
local schools to select students for this
Our members who have visited NSDAR
headquarters at 1776 D Street, Washington,
D.C., have helped us realize the significance
of these buildings that house one of the
largest genealogical records collections in
the world. A virtual tour of the buildings
included the DAR Museum, Iowa Room, and
restored DAR Library lay lights.
We have held DAR genealogy workshops to inform
the public and to inspire our prospective
members to continue working on their DAR
membership papers. We want them to become
members and carry on the historical,
educational, and patriotic objectives of our
Society, Daughters of the American Revolution.