American Indians
Peggy Harvey, Chairman
This committee is
dedicated to honoring and serving the original
inhabitants of this land. There is much
activity among the AI community to restore and
honor their way of life, both past and
present. There is much for us to learn.
Presenting an American Indian Minute at
each chapter meeting is a quick and easy way
to gain the attention of your members and
teach them some interesting history and
culture. Here are some American Indian Minutes
from the new NIP:
I recommend you “like” the NSDAR American
Indian Committee Page. It is awesome and chock
full of interesting information and stories.
Remember that November is “Native American
Heritage Recognition Month." Suggested
activities include:
An important part of NSDAR American
Indians work is learning about, educating
others about and supporting the DAR approved
schools: Bacone College and Chemawa Indian
School. This link will connect you to
information about the schools and their needs:
Another exciting
opportunity to help is with donations to the
Indian Youth of America Summer Camp. The Youth
Camp Program is sponsored by Indian Youth of
America, Inc., Sioux City, Iowa. Each summer
Indian youth come together to take part in the
summer camps in Arizona and South Dakota. A
variety of activities are provided such as
sports, field trips, cultural education,
leadership, and healthy living. Thousands of
Indian children age 10-14 have had the
opportunity to spend the summer in a positive
environment. Scholarships are needed to
provide this experience to all children who
wish to attend.
There are several scholarships and grants
available for American Indian students wishing
to further their education. Read more about
them on the NSDAR
AI Committee page.
An exceptional resource for information on
American Indians is the Smithsonian
Institute’s National Museum of the American
Peggy Harvey