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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sarah Steinke, State Regent, 2024-2026

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Community Classroom Committee

Janet Ritchie, Co-Chairman

Barbara Anderson, Co-Chairman

The Community Classroom Committee's purpose is to encourage members to support both children and teachers, and provide lesson plans that allow teachers to provide students with factual information on how the United States developed.

Local Chapters can assist in this purpose by adopting a classroom or school; members can provide their time and/or financial support. The National Chairman, Jeannie Panton Deakyne, states in the National Information Packet 2022, that the way to go forth in adopting a classroom or school is to, “[b]egin with a teacher in your chapter or a teacher or principal you know... [a]sk the teacher or principal what assistance would be helpful in their classroom or school setting.”

Lesson plans are collected on the National level each year and “focus on a variety of topics concerning America, its history, government, as well as related language arts and/or math topics from kindergarten through Grade 12,” (Panton Deakyne, 2022). Available lesson plans can be viewed on the Daughters of the American Revolution Lesson Plan webpage :

To develop and submit a lesson plan to be provided on the Lesson Plan webpage, please follow the following steps. One must use the Lesson Plan Template and provided Cover Sheet found on the DAR Members’ Website at (You will need your National Number to log-in and view this webpage.) Submit completed lesson plans and cover sheets to

This chairman looks forward to working with you and helping you in any way I can!

Janet Ritchie

Barbara Anderson