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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sarah Steinke, State Regent, 2024-2026

Wright Administration Symbol


Karen Bradway, Chairman

Hello Iowa Daughters!

I am excited to be your State Conservation Chairman for the Brunia administration! I love the outdoors and am one of those who can only stand being inside for so long before I think of some excuse to get back out in nature!

The National Chairman for the Wright administration is Lynne M. Stallcop and the focus for this term is to provide and encourage good stewardship practices for a more sustainable future for all those who will follow us.

With this goal in mind, we are encouraged as chapters to “Put the Sparkle Back in Your Community! Participate in a Local Community Clean Up.” So, identify a place that needs attention - a cemetery, a garden, a park - and plan a chapter service project. Perhaps invasive plants need to be removed or trees could be planted? Garbage always needs to be picked up!

All these small deeds make an impact for our environment and a better Iowa.

Members are once again encouraged to plant a pollinator garden. Perhaps put a bee home next to your flower bed - they are amazing to watch! And we are reminded to put Arbor Day on our calendars for next year - April 28th - and plan to enjoy trees!

Now, make this year the one in which your chapter recognizes a person or business that has shown outstanding work in conservation or improved the environment in a significant way by presenting them the Conservation Medal! I would love to receive an application from EVERY Iowa Chapter! The form and instructions can be found on the committee website and I am here to help you. Let us thank those who are protecting our natural resources.

Karen Bradway