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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sarah Steinke, State Regent, 2024-2026

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DAR Leadership Training Committee

Sharleen Newton, Chairman

Online Study Program

Dianne Chadwick, Iowa State Coordinator, Members Course --  Email:

Terri Toppler, Iowa State Coordinator, Committee Leaders and New Horizons Course -- Email:

Become a shooting star by taking leadership training courses and encouraging others to do so!

Any member with current dues paid can participate in the courses available under the DAR Leadership Committee.
Courses should be taken in sequence as listed. To enroll in a class, a member must have access to a working computer with Internet access. It is recommended that a course be completed within one year of starting the course.

Members Course: Subjects include "Our Founding, Building, DAR Mission: Historic preservation, Education, and Patriotism." Information presented in a variety of methods, i.e., online, script, and videos.

Committee Leaders Course: This course includes "Planning a Committee, Small or Large." A portion of the study uses workbooks. A goal of the course is that the graduate feels confident in planning small or large committee meetings. This course is a favorite of many participants.

New Horizons Course: This course has been updated. It is designed to help build leadership skills. DAR is a huge organization as is the DAR Website. All information needed for the course is provided.

To select the appropriate course and enroll, contact the Iowa State Coordinator, Dianne Chadwick (Members Course) or Terri Toppler (Committee Leaders and New Horizons Courses).

Upon enrollment, you will be provided with guidance on how to start your study.

Sharleen Newton