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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sarah Steinke, State Regent, 2024-2026

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Franco-American Memorial

Edith Brunia, Chairman

The Franco-American Memorial committee is actually a very old committee that had a purpose for the erection of monuments in Paris to General Washington and Lafayette during the Paris Exposition in 1900. The committee deactivated and was reborn in 2023 with a new purpose in collaboration with the American Friends of Lafayette. The mission today is to follow the Lafayette Farewell Tour 1824-1825 and celebrate any French national who have made an impact on American support of liberty and democracy across the world into current times. The committee will highlight any event that celebrates and educates in those 24 states and communities that the Lafayette tour touches in his triumphant return to America. The other states not touched will have the opportunity to honor French nationals who have made an impact in more modern society.

The closest the tour comes to Iowa is St Louis, Missouri. Iowa chapters who have the interest have many charming events to choose from listed on the national website under Franco- American Memorial committee – the Lafayette Farewell Tour. Check out the 200th Anniversary of the Lafayette Farewell Tour Toolkit (1824-1825). There are even Lafayette Minutes and a listing of all known Franco-American Patriots. On June 7, 2024, Alaska had such a tribute ceremony honoring Anna Marly, composer of the Chant des Partisans the “Troubadour of the Resistance” who used her talents as a singer and composer during World War II for the benefit of the Allies and French Resistance. Russian-born, she fled with her mother at age 1 when her father was killed in the October Revolution in 1917. Anna became a French citizen and in 1965 an American citizen. She passed away in Alaska in 2006. In March of 2025, Hawaii will have a dedication of a Merci Train car sent by the French nation for American support during World War II.

By looking at more of the toolkit, there are many ways Iowa Chapters may participate even though the Lafayette tour did not include our state because Iowa became a state in 1846. There is a form for an Outstanding Chapter or State Report with an extensive point system. You can bet something will be in the Master Report for 2024. This renewed committee is a great opportunity for chapters to have some fun with Commemorative Events and American History. Any DAR member may purchase a commemorative Bicentennial Lafayette 1824-1825 pin ($69.00) or 1778-1794 French Alliance pin ($60.00). Both pins are available from the Insignia Store. If you view the opening night of 2024 Continental Congress, the main speaker was Mark Scheider, a man who impersonates Marquis de Lafayette associated with Colonial Williamsburg.

As your state chair of the Franco-American Memorial committee, I am willing to present a program on the Merci Train from France and how it came about and the Iowa connection.

Edee Brunia