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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sarah Steinke, State Regent, 2024-2026

Wright Administration Symbol

DAR Good Citizens

Michelle Johnson, Chairman

The Good Citizen Award is intended to encourage and reward outstanding youth who exhibit the qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism in their homes, schools and communities. Honoring our high school seniors as Good Citizens is a very important way that our chapters promote education and patriotism.

The program is open to high school seniors in accredited public or private schools. It is important that all students are allowed the opportunity to participate, so please consider providing the information to many schools in your area – not only the city or town where your chapter meets. Coordinate with the other chapters near you to decide who will distribute materials to which schools. Let’s make it a goal to cover every high school in our state!

Remember that each school may honor only one senior per year as their DAR Good Citizen. Students selected by their school have the option to participate in the scholarship essay contest, but it is not required.

Begin by accessing the needed forms on the national committee website:

Read through these carefully, as there is a lot of information and many specifics of how to pass along this information to schools. All forms are writable and savable, allowing you to fill in your chapter contact information before printing hard copies for schools, or before emailing the information. All forms (except the Scholarship Essay Instructions) can be sent electronically to the schools if preferred, making it even easier to get the information to many schools. The Scholarship Essay Instructions includes the essay title and focus question that is not to be opened until the essay is administered to the student under the supervision of a school faculty member or a DAR member, therefore this one form must be hand delivered to participating schools. Remember that the essay focus question changes each year, so it is vital that you double check to make sure you are distributing this year’s form.

Set your chapter deadline early enough to allow for the collection of materials and judging. November 10th is suggested.

If your chapter has more than one school participating, you will need to line up a minimum of two non-DAR judges to select one senior from the scholarship essays to submit to your District Vice-Chairman.

District Vice-Chairmen are:

For your chapter judging, provide your judges with copies of the students’ essays. Once your judges have selected a chapter winner, keep a copy of this student’s essay and send the original paperwork to your District Vice-Chairman. Please plan to have your judging completed and all materials of your winner to your District Vice-Chairman by December 15th. Your Vice-Chairman will then facilitate the judging for the District level and get the pertinent materials of the winning District entrant to this State Chairman by January 1st.

The certificate, wallet card, and pin should be given to each school winner regardless of whether or not the student chooses to enter the scholarship essay contest. In a policy change, the Wright administration wants chapters to order their certificates, cards, and pins directly from the DAR Store. You may only buy them directly from National. The certificates do have to come from the DAR Store because they’ll need to have President General Wright’s signature. I will have NO certificates from here forward.

Please call me or email if you have any questions. Thank you for serving as DAR Good Citizen Chair for your chapter.

Michelle Johnson