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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sarah Steinke, State Regent, 2024-2026

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State Regent's Memory Book (Pressbook)

Marilyn Halterman and Delpha Middleswart, Co-Chairmen

Dear Iowa Daughters,

This is an invitation to become part of the Memory Book committee! Membership in this committee is easy! It is as simple as passing on articles, photos, programs, etc., of DAR activities to be included in State Regent Edee Brunia’s book!

I am asking that anyone at a meeting or any function where the State Regent is present and there are pictures taken, will please email them to us at either or In person functions are so few, any help in this way will be appreciated very much.

Please include contact information in case there are questions regarding your event or members present.

State Regent Brunia is anxious to have all of the Iowa Chapters included in the memory book.

Your committee chair would like to have lots of nice group shots (with names included) from the Iowa DAR Chapters for Edee to enjoy for years to come!

Thank you in advance for your participation in this committee!
Marilyn Halterman
Delpha Middleswart