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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sarah Steinke, State Regent, 2024-2026

Wright Administration Symbol

Page Committee

Anna Humeston, Chairman

Pages assist the State Regent, state officers and various committees in the smooth operation of the spring ISDAR State Conference and Fall Forum meetings. They serve as hostesses, door holders, errand runners, flag bearers, friendly smiles, and helping hands to all Iowa Daughters in attendance.

The State Regent has lifted the age limit on paging at ISDAR events during her administration. On the national level, there are a variety of opportunities for women between the ages of 18-40 to serve as pages during Continental Congress at NSDAR Headquarters in Washington, DC.

Requirements: Service, courtesy and common sense are the essentials for excellent paging. Pages do their volunteer work by choice and without monetary reward. Pages are noted for their friendliness, enthusiasm and an inexhaustible supply of energy. Their duties and responsibilities are many and varied, but they are interesting, rewarding and FUN!

Dress Code: White! The reason is two-fold: first it’s a unified color that instantly identifies you as a page who’s working and serving the Iowa Daughters and second, it’s tradition (and the fact that in a unified color, pages do not draw attention to themselves and do not disrupt the proceedings). Daytime dress code should include a modestly cut white dress that is knee length or longer, or a white pants suit, white gloves and white or nude colored shoes. Evening dress code can vary depending on the event so please check with the chairman prior to packing your suitcase.

Pins: Below are the other various page pins that you may earn throughout your tenure of service as a page. Pins can be ordered through the DAR Insignia Store at

Iowa State Page pin NSDAR Page pin Page for the State Regent
                                  pin Page for President General
                                  in state pin Page for President General
Please consider sharing your DAR Sparkle by serving as a page! It is an amazing way to Rejoice in our DAR ties of Service and Friendship!

Anna Humeston