Patriot Records Project Committee
Cammy Brandt, Chairman
The work of the Patriot Records Project
Committee makes finding and identifying
Revolutionary War Patriots in hard-to-search
collections easier than ever. Your volunteer
time will be well spent reviewing records on
your computer to discover forgotten
information and Patriots’ stories. Records
reviewed by Project volunteers span over 75
years, from the Revolutionary War through last
petitions for remuneration.
Use of computer technology is the
necessary skill for this committee.
Information will be stored by NSDAR, and will
help provide information for initial
applications and supplement applications
through the DAR Genealogy Research System.
NSDAR provides on-line learning tools and
guidelines so that Volunteers’ work is
consistent across our organization.
Please consider volunteering to bring
these valuable records to life!
Please volunteer to bring these valuable
records to life!
Cammy Brandt