President General's
Tiffany Hauptman, State Vice Regent, &
Shelley Wells, State Treasurer, Co- Chairmen

Wright Administration theme:
“Celebrate Stars and
Stripes Forever through DAR Service and
Your support of the President General’s Project
during the Wright Administration will help the
National Society to:
- Celebrate our nation's rich history and
diversity of experience upon the threshold
of America's 250th anniversary.
- Promote belonging throughout our
membership by acknowledging with gratitude
and friendship each member and her dedicated
service to God, Home, and Country.
- Propel membership growth by welcoming
all descendants of American Patriots while
retaining our treasured Daughters.
- Encourage and support projects and
service opportunities for every chapter to
Highlight historic preservation education,
and patriotism in unique, local, and
impactful ways.
- Maintain financial stability and
maximize operational effectiveness.
- Recognize with appreciation our
dedicated National Society staff.
Chapters are strongly encouraged to support
the mission of the Wright Administration by
remitting the President General’s contribution
of $7.50 per member during her three-year term
of office. The amount due per chapter will be
based on the membership count on January 1,
- Following a donation of $100.00 or
more to the President General’s Project, a
member will be eligible to purchase the
President General’s Project pin.
- Gifts of $300 or more allow you to
become a member of the Stars & Stripes
Supporters Circle and be recognized on the
Stars & Stripes Donor Wall.
- With a one-time contribution of
$1,250 or more to the President General’s
Project, the donor shall be considered a
benefactor and will receive the benefactor
- After a cumulative contribution of
$2,500 or more to the President General’s
Project, a donor shall be recognized as an
Old Glory supporter a patriot and will
receive the Old Glory pin.