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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sarah Steinke, State Regent, 2024-2026

Wright Administration Symbol


Sharon Greenlee, Chairman

Protocol in the DAR World

As State Conference approaches, perhaps some helpful hints on proper protocol during State Conference would be appropriate:

ATTIRE: The daytime dress is generally business: a dress, suit or pantsuit. Dress slacks and a coordinating jacket are acceptable.

Evening wear is more formal such as a longer or tea length dress. A daytime dress (such as for church) is also acceptable unless you are a state officer.

Wearing gloves (white) in processionals and receiving lines is at the discretion of the State Regent. It is good to be prepared.

PROCESSIONALS: Remember to stand as the ladies enter. This is to honor their service to our Society. The State Regent is the last one entering the room and the first one out. All stand at the end of the session and remain standing in place until the head table is cleared.

COURTESY RECOGNITION: Members should rise whenever the State Regent is presented or introduced. This is not to honor the person, but is a deserved courtesy in recognition and tribute to her high office and sash.

protocol screen shot

BUSINESS SESSIONS: Remember to address the chair and ONLY THE CHAIR each time you stand to speak: "Madam State Regent."

When your chapter regent gives her report, the chapter delegation should rise briefly to show your support and pride on your chapter's activities for the preceding year.

The assembly should stand for the Invocation and remain standing through the Opening. The assembly should also stand during the reading of the President General's message to the Conference.

MEMORIAL SERVICE: During the Memorial Service, it is a symbol of respect to stand as your deceased chapter members' names are called.

Our rich history of respect for our country, our organization and for each other makes these "reminders" more than hints.

Enjoy yourself at Conference and the fellowship and hands of friendship extended to you by those members and guests attending.

See the attached page for Protocol Tips in the DAR World.

Please check the National website for further information:

Sharon Greenlee