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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sarah Steinke, State Regent, 2024-2026

Wright Administration Symbol

Volunteer Information Specialists

Linda D. Van Niewaal, Co-Chairman
Amy Sunleaf, Co-Chairman

If you are assisting your chapter or your state or national societies with processing or communicating information to other members, then you are a Volunteer Information Specialist. Use of computer technology is the necessary skill for this committee. You may share your talents through a newsletter, through email updates to chapter members, or by volunteering for the national society working on Genealogy Preservation or the Genealogical Records Committee.

As you consider your volunteer efforts, consider volunteering for DAR special projects. Some of you have worked on the Descendants Project and some of you have worked on identifying Supporting Documentation, in addition, you might consider the Patriot Records Project. As many of you know, the Genealogical Records Committee loves to have volunteers indexing records.  These are projects you can assist with from the comfort of your home at any hour of the day.

  • Wright Administration graphics are available for download:
  • For any of you who are interested in the Online Guidelines, the VIS Style Guide, or more information, visit the VIS Committee site on the NSDAR Members' Website.
  • Some have asked about the use of social media. For information, read:
  • ISDAR Web Site Information

    In an effort to improve security on our Members' Website, all files that contain member addresses and phone numbers will be password protected.  The standard ISDAR password will give entry to any of the password protected sites.

     If you desire changes in your chapter website, please contact this chairman. Organize your list of changes/updates and send them in one email, please. If multiple emails are sent, some of the requests may be missed. Substantive changes must be approved by the State Regent, updates will be made as swiftly as possible. Each chapter should designate a VIS Chairman or Web Site Chairman. Please send that information to both the State Regent and the VIS Chairman.

    Linda Van Niewaal
    Amy Sunleaf