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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Cindi Carter, State Regent, 2016-2018

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State Historian

Marla Suter

The Outstanding Teacher of American History Contest honors notable, full-time teachers of American History and related fields, such as social studies, government and citizenship in public, private and parochial schools in grades 5–12. All chapters are encouraged to participate in this contest. This is an excellent way for chapters to recognize and publicize the contributions of outstanding teachers.
The application form and current instruction sheet are included on the DAR members’ website. Read the instructions carefully and be sure that all required documents are part of the dossier. The deadline for the State Historian to receive these documents is November 15, 2016.   Please mail completed forms to Marla L. Suter.  Address information can be found in the State Directory.

Advance permission must be obtained from the Historian General to place a new DAR historical marker or to move or rededicate an existing one, whether or not the marker includes the DAR insignia. The Historian General must approve the entire text appearing on the marker. It is necessary to complete and submit the form entitled “Application and Instructions for Permission to Place a DAR Historical or Commemorative Marker.” This form may be found on the DAR members’ website. Please allow a minimum of six months for this office to complete an application.
The state society or local chapter is responsible for ensuring that every word included in a proposed marker’s text is substantiated on the basis of primary documentation (original sources). Copies of this documentation must be sent with the application. Once this evaluation is completed, a written report is prepared for the Historian General for review and final approval. Essentially, this same process is followed respecting requests to move or rededicate existing DAR markers.
The whole process is expedited when the instructions are followed completely. Delays occur when chapters send applications without full documentation, which then requires additional correspondence between the chapter and this office. A detailed list of what must accompany the application is clearly stated on the instruction sheet. As state historian please stress to the chapter historians that all documentation and information listed on the application must accompany the application. Exceptions are not made.
Please report all your historical/commemorative markers upon installation so that our records will be accurate.

At the June 2000 National Board meeting the Executive Committee voted to simplify the member grave marking process. In most instances now, no office at the NSDAR National Headquarters grants permission for this type of marker. Permission is secured from the regent of the chapter to which the member to receive the marker belongs/belonged. In those instances where a DAR member is or was last listed as a member-at-large, or was a member of a now disbanded chapter, THEN those requests are referred to the Office of the Historian General.
According to the procedure set in place in June 2000, chapter regents now have permission from the Historian General to authorize the purchase of the DAR insignia to mark members’ graves. An application form requesting permission to mark a member’s grave is completed by the member or by a representative of the member if she is deceased. The regent of the member’s chapter signs the form verifying that this woman is or was actually a member of DAR. The signed form is sent directly to a NSDAR authorized firm to reproduce the DAR insignia.

This form is available in the National Information Packet (NIP) or from the members’ website. Once the marker is placed, the chapter is instructed to complete the DAR Member Grave Marker Report Form and send it to this office. This office continues to maintain all records concerning reported DAR markers on members’ graves. This form is available in the National Information Packet (NIP) or from the members’ website.

A copy of all necessary forms can be found on the National Members’ Web Site ( or on the Iowa Society’s Members’ Website (

Please contact me by phone or email with any questions.
Marla Suter