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Iowa Society

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sarah Steinke, State Regent, 2024-2026

Wright Administration Symbol

State Treasurer

Shelley Wells

National Dues: $45.00 per member, payable to “Treasurer General NSDAR,” must be added to to dues invoicer electonically or mailed to National and postmarked before December 1st.
NATIONAL SOCIETY BYLAWS concerning dues for new members:
Article IV. Fees and Dues. SECTION 1. (d), “Dues for a member admitted or reinstated on or after July 5 shall be credited for the upcoming dues year, which begins December 1.”
State Dues: $7.50 per member as of your December 1, 2024 count, payable to “ISDAR” and postmarked before December 1.

Life members and new members after July 5 are prepaid on the National level but not at the State level. For Life Members, the chapter will receive a $10 credit on its National dues invoice, of which $7.50 is due to the State.  New members will be included on your final dues invoice and their $7.50 payment is expected with other chapter dues. Please submit a copy of your national dues invoice with your payment so I can verify that dues are paid for the correct members.

The ISDAR Cash Contribution form must be postmarked before December 1st.  Please remember to keep a copy for your records as your chapter regent will need this to fill out the ISDAR Cash Contribution “worksheet” for her Regent’s Report and in preparing your chapter’s ISDAR Chapter Achievement Award form.  This check is payable to “ISDAR.” Please send separate checks for dues and cash contributions.

The President General’s Project assesses $2.50 per member per year for each of the three years of the President General’s term.  The official assessment is based on your membership count as of January 1, 2024.

At the end of your Chapter’s Fiscal Year: The Chapter Fiscal Report form must be completed by each chapter and sent to the State Treasurer at the completion of your chapter fiscal year as determined by the IRS.  If your chapter has filed its own 990-N E-filing, please attach a copy of the IRS acceptance response with your Chapter Fiscal Report form.  You can email or “snail mail” this information.  There is a box at the bottom of the Chapter Fiscal Report form to check if you would prefer the State Treasurer to file your 990-N E-file.  This report is a requirement of the IRS to verify your chapter’s tax-exempt status.   Those chapters that own real estate property will not file the 990-N E-file form, but will need to contact me for instructions on tax filing.  Chapters that have received large grants also need to contact me to make sure you are filing the correct tax form.

A copy of the “Guide for Chapter and State Treasurers” and all necessary forms can be found on the National Members’ Web Site: or on the Iowa Society’s Members’ Website (

Please contact me by phone or email with any questions.
Shelley Wells