Abigail Adams Chapter eagerly embraced DAR’s
mission to celebrate the 250th
birthday of the United States of America and
the Patriots that achieved American
In June 2024, we unveiled our America 250!
Revolutionary War Patriot marker in Des
Moines. We were so happy to share the
celebration with community friends and DAR
members from various chapters. The Greater
Des Moines Community Band provided a
patriotic repertoire, courtesy of the Gold
Star Museum; and a color guard from Sons of
the American Revolution, including 3
generations from 3 states, stirred our
hearts personifying the Patriots we honor.
The big reveal! Officers fold the
Quilt of Valor which was loaned for
the occasion. |
A past Chapter Regent
served on the committee,
interfacing with the city of Des
Moines. A sixth
generation Des Moinesian, her
great-great grandmother helped
start our chapter.
members beamed at their mission
accomplished. Months of research
and detailed planning yielded
success. The event was supported
by an America 250! Celebration
Grant from NSDAR. The
Revolutionary Patriot marker was
funded by the members of the
Abigail Adams Chapter. (chapter
photo on home page)

The SAR color
guard made a breathtaking entry.
Our marker stands by two cannons
in a GAR section of historic
Woodland Cemetery.
Greater Des Moines
Community Band in formation with
Betsy Ross flag loaned by SAR.
250! is a collaboration of
organizations and institutions
across America – including federal
agencies – to commemorate this grand
anniversary. NSDAR was the first
heritage society to formally partner
with the event, asking state DAR
societies and chapters to begin the
As Iowa’s oldest DAR chapter,
Abigail Adams was proud to place
this marker to honor our patriot
courtesy of Abigail Adams Chapter,