Our chapter meets in January, March,
May, July, September, and November on the
second Saturday of the month. The months
of February, April, June, August, October
and December offer our members time for
committee meetings, gravestone cleanings,
field trips to area historical sites,
participating in parades and community
events, and
reading time for our book club. A chapter
newsletter is published and distributed on
first day of the “off months” as well.
Members are strongly encouraged to attend
State Conference and Fall Forum. Our members
are proud to support the DAR Good
Citizens program and hold a yearly
recognition and tea for entrants and their
Meetings start at 10 a.m. and
include: devotions, patriotic recitations
and song, the
reading of the President General's
message, and the National Defense
report. Updates are presented by the
chapter committee chairmen. Set programs
include a January book club discussion
based on a Revolutionary War themed book,
our annual meeting in March, and an
anniversary tea in May with special
remembrances to our founding members.
Presenting innovative and fun programs
related to the DAR tenets of education,
patriotism and historic preservation is
our goal.
Associate members are welcome!
Prospective members are encouraged to
contact us
for more information. Our chapter
registrar and membership committee are
eager to
assist prospective members with genealogy
questions and in filling out DAR
For more
information, please contact the regent at