The Priscilla Alden
Chapter, NSDAR, was formed in Carroll, Iowa,
in February 18, 1904, less than 14 years
after the National Society of the Daughters
of the American Revolution was organized. A
group of women, who were eligible for
membership, met at the home of Mrs.
Culbertson to organize the chapter.
"Distaff" was chosen as the name of the
chapter, but the name was changed to
"Priscilla Alden," because another chapter
had already chosen the name "Distaff."
In August 1904, the chapter by-laws were
adopted and the charter was granted on
August 9, 1904. Priscilla Alden Chapter,
NSDAR, became the 23rd in the state of Iowa.
Early meetings were held either in Glidden or
Carroll. Dinner meetings were held at 6:00
p.m. and could be delayed when the train
between the two towns was late. The hostess
served three courses at dinner, with the
meeting held afterwards. The ladies then
visited and did fancy work. An annual
Washington Party and June Flay Day picnic was
held in the early years of the chapter.
The Priscilla Alden Chapter history is
extensive. The following lists a few
- A 1913 project was to report to the
proper officials, the condition of the
toilet room adjoining the ladies' waiting
room in the Northwestern Depot. The
District Superintendent of the C&NW
wrote to the chapter and promised
improvement of the room.
- The chapter ladies worked for signers
for the petition of adoption of the Iowa
Banner in 1919.
- On May 13, 1922, the chapter regent
read the tribute at the funeral of Merle
Hay. The chapter was given seats of honor
and the chapter regent helped the mother
of Merle Hay write the obituary.
- A tree was planted at the Carroll City
Park on April 14, 1923, to honor Real
Granddaughter, Mrs. Phelps. A second tree
was planted in the Glidden City Park,
honoring Merle Hay.
- In 1979, historical artifacts and
furnishings from the log cabin in Graham
Park (located in Carroll, Iowa) were
donated to the Carroll County Historical
Society and moved to the Carroll County
Historical Society Museum.
- In 1987, eleven members of the Denison
Chapter, NSDAR, joined the Priscilla Alden
Chapter, NSDAR, when the two chapters