of the Lake Chapter, NSDAR, members dressed
as Betsy Ross at a Veteran’s Day Parade as
well as others, and gave character
presentations. Members attended meetings
with a veterans theme, placed flags for
Memorial Day celebrations, cleaned veterans’
gravestones, laid wreaths on Memorial Day
from the chapter, and participated in
Wreaths Across America, both in laying and
purchasing wreaths. They made Valentine bags
with flags, flag pins, homemade patriotic
pillowcases, and candy and gave them to
veterans in local nursing homes. They
“pinned” Vietnam veterans with special
commemorative pins, wrote out Christmas
cards, assisted another chapter with a
pillowcase project for veterans, and made
displays for public places. Several members
of the chapter are also members of other
lineage societies, such as the Sons of Union
Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) Auxiliary
promoting Civil War preservation.