Community service is a big part of the
activities of the Ladies of the Lake Chapter,
NSDAR. Chapter members place a decorated tree
in the Great Lakes Mall and throughout
December products are added under the tree to
donate to Upper Des Moines Food and Personal
Supplies Bank. Every year a different product
is donated. They have tied blankets for Sleep
in Heavenly Peace, tied quilts for Freedom
Quilts, made homemade dog and cat treats,
stuffed toys and blankets for the local Humane
Society, cleaned DAR markers, packed and
delivered food essential items for the local
food bank to those in need. They have
volunteered for church groups, scout troops,
children’s activities, nursing homes, and
Habitat for Humanity. They have made Valentine
bags with homemade patriotic pillowcases,
flags, flag pins, candy, and other items to
deliver to veterans in the local nursing
homes, assisted in placing flags at
cemeteries, and other activities too numerous
to mention.