The National Society Daughters of the
American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) is a
non-profit, non-political, volunteer women's
service organization comprising 3,000 chapters
and over 180,000 members. The Onawa Chapter,
NSDAR, was organized October 22, 1910. The
beautiful Indian name of Onawa was given to
the chapter the night of organization. On the
chapter list were the names of three daughters
of Timothy Elliott, one of the founders of the
little village in 1857, and the one who gave
it the name "Onawa," which means "Wide Awake."

In 1921, the Onawa Chapter, NSDAR, placed a
marker commemorating the site of the Lewis and
Clark camp. The marker is located in Monona
County, 2 miles west of Onawa on State Highway
175. It is on the west side of Blue Lake, not
far from the bath house and parking area. This
area is also known as Lewis and Clark Park.
The history of the area states that Lewis and
Clark camped at this site during the month of
August 1804. This was their second campground
on their exploratory trip up the Missouri
River and west to the Pacific Ocean. |